Japan Statistics


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Database of Japanese statistics. Japanese prefecture comparisons using graphs, maps, graphs and charts.

The Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan implemented a major revision of balance of payments related statistics. The revision takes …

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The Statistics Bureau and the Director-General for Policy Planning of Japan play the central role in the official statistical system in producing and disseminating basic official statistics,and coordinating statistical work under the Statistics Act and other legislation.

Economic Statistics Database for Japan for the year 2015 (Japan Econ Stats. 2015) has been compiled by EconomyWatch.com from thousands of data sources, including the IMF, World Bank, World Economic Forum and CIA.

Census. Japan collects census information every five years. The exercise is conducted by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Population density. Japan’s population density was 336 people per square kilometer (874 people per square mile) according to the UN World Populations Prospects as of July 2005.

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The Statistics Bureau and the Director-General for Policy Planning of Japan play the central role in the official statistical system in producing and disseminating basic official statistics,and coordinating statistical work under the Statistics Act and other legislation.

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The WHO country health profile of japan provides key statistics and links to health topical databases, plus news, features and Bulletin journal articles on …

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This statistic shows the number of Facebook users in Japan from 2015 to 2022. In 2019, the number of Facebook users in Japan is expected to surpass 30 million, up from almost 29 million in 2017.

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Data, policy advice and research on Japan including economy, education, employment, environment, health, tax, trade, GDP, unemployment rate, inflation and PISA.

Statistics Related Links. Economic census – Activity survey, Results of the census were processed and graphed

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